Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Spoon Ring

Let me preface this post by saying that if you want detailed instructions on how to do this,
please read the original blog post it came from. This was one of those projects t
hat did not turn out like I originally intended, so I do not want to steer
anyone down the wrong path!
This is the finished product that I created for my sister last Christmas. I found an old box of silverware from our parents wedding and I knew instantly that I needed to make her a spoon ring.
I read the instructions and thought it would be an easy project, boy was I wrong!! First of all, the spoon was stainless steel, not sterling silver. This meant that it would not bend as easily as I thought. Nor could I cut the end off of it like I thought. It is a good thing I have a husband that has access to metal bending tools because without him I would have been SCREWED!
My advice, make sure you know what your silverware is made of before you commit to the project! Make sure that you have more than one spoon because we wasted a good three spoons trying to get it right.
Good Luck!!  
Here is the original blog post!

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